Al Akhawayn versus Bogazici
Al Akhawayn is a Moroccan university following an American curriculum with English medium of instruction . This is one of the many common points between Al Akhawayn and Boğazici University, however, the most significant difference I could see from my first visit was the role of religion in the university campus. Believe it or not, there is a mosque at the very centre of the university, which of course does not mean all young moroccons pray five times a day, or does not mean they go to mosque with the company of their professors. The important thing, however is that the call to pray is sang 5 times a day at the university campus, which reminds young Moroccans that this is a Moroccan university and they should not ignore their Moroccan roots. This would be unacceptable for Bogazici, considering Cyrus Hamlin, the founder of Robert College was indeed a congregational missionary. RedOne says Akhawayn respects all religions, and there are reserved areas for Christian and Jewish students as well, so they can follow their religious practises. In Boğazici, we respect religions, different customs and beliefs too, but as a Turkish way of doing things, we keep our respect by leaving all religious beliefs and political issues off the campus.
Which one is a better practise do you think?
Well, Al Akhawayn is only 10 years old, and much modern than Boğazici with respect to its facilities, whereas Boğazici with its Robert College tradition is 143 years old and its campus has a historical value. I can easily say, considering its past, Boğazici is more American than Al Akhawayn. However, American influence seems to be stronger at Al Akhawayn today. I think Boğazici has completed its transition of becoming a Turkish University. Turkish became dominant as the official language over English in administration recently, and even the front page of its website is now in Turkish after so many years of welcoming in English .
One other difference is that students are not allowed here to chill out on the grass, I will miss that.
Very nice blog. I've had many Morrocan men in my employee, always good, hardworking men! Have a good day!
So Senser, are you enjoying Al Akhawayn? Do you feel like you're living in the middle of nowhere?
Oh yes, I can look to the horizon and see nothing but moroccons with no English. I think i will suffer until others arrive. Generally, it is quite pleasent and silent town, but hard to adjust after Istanbul.
Hang tight!
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